Ive been searching for a lifetime for the purpose of my life. I don't know if I've found it specifically but I will say this feels right.
As some of you know I recently retired from the professional sales environment to pursue my passion of public service as the Membership Development associate of St Johns County Chamber. So far it is everything I needed it to be, creative, responsive, and fun. There is a big task at hand and I have big plans that I'm keeping close to my person, but I'm looking forward to success for us all.
About the same time I made my move, we encountered a terrible tragedy. A fellow cyclists was tragically killed along the Molasses Junction area of our daily bike route. This was unfortunately not an isolated incident, rather the horrific tipping point of an issue that has gone on long enough. I'm sick to tears when I don't hear from my husband on his long rides, although I know he loves it and so do I. With this tragedy I came to learn many things about the people who I live around.
First there is a complete lack of understanding as to what the cycling rules are(2x2 riders in the road lane, at least 3 ft of space when passing, cars and bikes alike abide traffic laws). There'sa lack of understanding of carbon footprint of not only transportation but defending our country from the obesity problem. Then lastly there is commerce. Bikes bring money not only for the purchase of their vehicle, but also at the remote stops they make along the 100 mile stretches.
So here I sit with a decision to make. Get upset, or get moving. So, I continue to ride, although I must admit I have not gone out 214 since this incident, the thought currently is overwhelming. But now the ride means more and the need for information is resounding. Ive been talking about this with friends from across the country to determine the best way to create this change, "be the change you want to see in this world."