So why did I start this blog, what spurred the inspiration?
I was finishing up my 10 mile run yesterday, a little weathered from my first long run back in over a month, and a dear friend of ours pulled me aside and asked in a very concerning tone, "are you and Todd ok?" Much to my surprise since Todd and I are doing quite well actually. We have decided to start(and by start I mean very preliminary review so if you sell real estate please do not call us, we aren't doing anything for a while) looking for a home, and Todd is well into his Ironman training which we are settling into that schedule as best as can be expected. So I asked what he was referencing. "With all the time you two are apart that has to be hard?"
So this was the spark, the epiphany, in the words of Schmeee(Hook) "I felt like a lighting bolt just hit my brain." I have to admit, versus my expose, this will not be a daily devotional to the happiness of my life, rather it will be the sometimes hard to read or even understand explanations of why we do the things we do that bring us to ultimate fulfillment.
Get ready for the marathon.............
Sweet new blog Heather--I like.